Leaving Jamaica Street

So, the time came to leave our Jamaica Street home. 46d is a great space, cool location; many cups of tea were consumed in Unit 51 just across the road, and Terry on the next block made a mountain of butties for us. When we moved to the studio in 2012, we bought into the Baltic Creative vision for the area, even though it was only us, Sound City, The Picket and a handful of others at the time. A great place to watch the world go by, a cool place to meet like minded people, and how the area has blossomed.

Our New Home: Digital House, Baltic Triangle

2019. A new beginning, new adventures, a new home. Digital House by Baltic Creative. The clues were out there. You know where we live now: Studio L, Digital House, 44 Simpson Street, Baltic Triangle, Liverpool, L1 0AX.

Lots of hard work from the team at Baltic made this possible. Reclaiming a classic Liverpool warehouse that was destined to fall in on itself, to become a pile of bricks and another piece of Liverpool history lost forever.

The plans kept the original shell of the building, and built a new interior, a place for dozens of businesses to thrive and grow. The vision is a reality and the first Digital House tenants are in. We’ve been in here for a week and we’re settling in nicely.

The New Look

All of this and more leads us into the next phase of the Citrus Suite journey, and with this comes a new logo, new look and revamped website. We’d love to know what you think, drop us a line and let’s reconnect.

Similar to Citrus Suite, Phase Two:

Minimum Viable Product Development

How to make a successful digital product. Everything you need to know about MVPs.

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In the face of a global pandemic; what Citrus did next

Citrus have been even more determined to help clients and businesses adapt to unexpected ways of working with a variety of new digital ideas rapidly taking shape in just a short turnaround.

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