A list of Citrus’ favourite things of 2016.

A bigger, better and still expanding Team Citrus. These guys are the best.

CEO Chris spoke at massive events such as Ad Week Europe, Creative England Live, Cannes Lions & Liverpool International Festival of Business; combined with interviews on BBC News & Radio, and Citrus Suite profiled in reports by Invest Liverpool & British Council. #talks #profile #media #reputation

Fee Fi Fo Fit
Our family fitness app Fee Fi Fo Fit and opened doors for us (see below), and we have opportunities lining up for 2017. #businessdevelopment #innovation #CitrusIP

After being signed based on the potential of Fee Fi Fo Fit, we helped Disney refine their vision for a wellbeing app. #mhealth #wellbeing #consultancy #gamedesign #appdevelopment #prototype

The Sports Engagement Platform
We made an app to augment a globally recognised sports event, our focus on the mobile elements of a platform that put broadcast footage, sport analytics, live sensor information in the hands of users. #advancedtechnology #bigdata #internetofthings #bluechip #appdevelopment #partnerships #streaming #video #hushhush

There were updates to Lincus and new paths to follow with Rescon. #mhealth #wellbeing

Online Platform
We made a bespoke online platform for arts based co-creation & live events. Check out IJAD for news about Orbits, the first deployment, and feel free to contact us for a trial.

Web Development
Citrus’ growing service offering saw us complete 300 days’ worth of web development work. #webdesign #wordofmouth #portfoliocomingsoon #webdev

eLearning projects with Nottingham Trent University and we had a small role in an Erasmus European Union funded project. #ILoveEU #eLearning #EduTech #VocTech #MooC #webplatforms #mobile

No Pain No Gain
Ongoing development of a pain management website with an NHS trust, for launch in 2017. #eHealth #mHealth

My Medicash
Updates to My Medicash policyholder insurance claims app and web portal. #appdevelopment

ReMind Memory Suite
Trials and interest in ReMind Memory Suite. #innovation #CitrusIP . #eHealth #mHealth

Daily Wonder
New content for Daily Wonder, published by Random House Digital in New York. (US release only.) #appdevelopment

2017 fast forward to The Future
It’s all about the future. This is one award that never dates… We attended CE Live in London as one of only a handful of carefully selected “Future Leaders”; a list that Creative England believe showcases some of the best creative talent in England’s regions.

New Partnerships and Projects
Most excitingly; new partnerships and projects for 2017. Watch this space.

Big Shout Out
Big thanks to our clients and partners: Ash & Tony; Joumana; Sarah B, Sarah C & Fliss; Matt; Paul & Andy; Karen; Tom; Emma; Lisa/Keeley/Charlie/James/Jeremy; Andrew; Jill; Carolyn; everyone at Creative England; and our great friends in New York – Corey, Whitney, Rachael, RJ, Katherine, Meg and to everyone else.


About Citrus Suite… ABOUT CITRUS

Want to know a little about Citrus Suite’s technology, IP and original ideas? Read more here… CITRUS PRODUCTS

Want to see some work Citrus Suite produced for clients? Read more here… CITRUS WORK

Want the latest Citrus Suite news? Read more here… CITRUS NEWS

Full contact details and location information. Please click here… CITRUS CONTACT PAGE


About Citrus Suite
Citrus Suite is a creative digital studio building award-winning apps for mobile devices and web. Developer on iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and Web.

Future Leader Award / Best App @ Digital Book Awards / THREE Number 1 Apps / App of the Year Award / Best Apps Ever Listing

Tags: app-design-news-liverpool-app-design-smartphone-application-development; Liverpool Mobile App Designers Smartphone Tablets iPhone iPad Android PC Mac Web UK App Development Application Design Service


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