Platform: iOS & Android devices

Client: Penguin Books USA

Development: 2013, update 2018

About The Pocket Scavenger
From the depths of our imaginary world, to you.

Following the success of Wreck This App and This Is Not An App, The Pocket Scavenger (available for iOS and Android devices -please see  iTunes Store or Google Play) is the ultimate way to explore your environment. The app, developed in 2013 at the Citrus Suite studio in Liverpool, was released simultaneously with the book of the same name.

The Pocket Scavenger app won the Digital Book Award 2014 in New York USA for ‘Best App’ in the category ‘Adult Non-Fiction’ cementing Citrus Suite’s reputation for innovation with Keri Smith and the Penguin Books’ Digital Team.

The Pocket Scavenger app

Within the app, published by Penguin Books US, users are instructed, to document a spectrum of quirky items.

Users can take pictures or record audio of all the things they scavenge on their journey – creating a logbook of weird and wonderful items.

The items are added to the user’s map where they can also see what others have been scavenging.

Pocket Scavenger was Citrus Suite’s forth project with Penguin USA (including Apps Magazine’s 2012 ‘App of the Year’ Chopsticks) and third project with Keri Smith (including Wreck This App and This is Not an App).

*Keri Smith is an author/illustrator turned guerilla artist. She has several bestselling books, including the phenomenal Wreck This Journal, This is Not a Book, How To Be An Explorer of the World, Mess and Finish this Book. Read more at her website HERE

You can find out more about The Pocket Scavenger here. And read about other book based apps Wreck This App and Chopsticks.

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