Production Update: The developers of Citrus Suite have been working with a number of UK design agencies to deliver apps for smartphone and social networks.

It’s been great working with creatives who’ve got the user in mind and require a strong UI/UX.

We get a buzz out of this work and seeing the apps / widgets go live but they’re confidential, so no links this time. We’ve had a couple of white label projects around advertising and are building in analytics to gauge campaign impact.

We are also looking at the new Facebook layout and timeline feature for a client and are building some apps to enhance details of activities, posts, videos, etc.


Fresh Ideas, Sharp Solutions.

Citrus Suite develops apps, software, games and produces 3D digital artwork. Developer on iPhone, iPad, Android, HTML5, PC, Mac and IPTV platforms.

Development of apps from Liverpool, UK.

Email us here…

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