A global chatbot platform built in Liverpool

A new health chatbot built by Citrus Suite will be released (in Denmark, Canada, Japan, USA and other territories to follow) in the upcoming months of 2018, but what are chatbots and is healthcare progressive enough to use them?

Citrus Suite’s CEO, Chris Morland: “Chatbots are a logical next step for managing health conditions, and we’ve built a proprietary system for facilitating this, so clinicians can create interactive content and this is synchronized with the user’s app. For some patient groups managing a condition or beginning a new medical treatment this digital support can be very effective.  With our new chatbot app getting closer to launching across the world, Citrus are excited to be part of an important and evolving area of healthcare.”

The product has been created to support users with various health conditions. The concept of the chatbot is to act as a virtual support for the patient, by incorporating features aid and inform the end user, while giving professionals tools to aid and deploy fresh content.  With more companies designing solutions involving chatbots, that potentially enhance people’s lives – whether that be by booking a doctor’s appointment, or offering support with a person’s condition, can this advancement really be seen as a negative one? While this is very much an evolving landscape, progressive healthcare organisations are embracing the potential of chatbots and investing in these new technologies.

Citrus Suite MVP Chatbot 2018

What is a Chatbot?

A Chatbot is a software program that interacts with a user through the use of natural language. The purpose of a chatbot is to be able to simulate human conversation by integrating its architecture with a language model and computational algorithms to try and emulate a conversation. Chatbots are becoming more frequently used in everyday life in forms as common as online shopping and Facebook Messenger.

Over the next few pages we’re going to share our initial research findings. Research conducted prior to building our own chatbot toolset.

See next page Chatbot Research – An Industry Overview Pt 1

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