The Virtual Engagement Rehabilitation Assistant is a bespoke digital tool being designed in partnership with The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.
ReMind Memory Suite sees us working with Innovate Dementia and our design team to create a new app for people living with dementia. What’s so different about that? The design team itself is made up of people living with dementia and their carers.
We are fortunate to be working with Innovate Dementia and a great group of people who are dealing with the effects of dementia on a daily basis. The co-creation sessions have been invaluable as we create our Assisted Living Technology.
So what is Gamification and how does it work? Evidence for the effectiveness of Gamification is building, populations can achieve positive life-outcomes and the workplace can be a more productive place by using Gamification techniques.
Citrus Suite successfully launched a series of mHealth products over the past two years, clinching an award for ‘Best Gamification within mHealth Apps’, the next stage of the firm’s development should focus on developing its own platform to serve NHS and Healthcare commissioners.
Focussing on smartphone applications, Citrus Suite is producing mHealth apps with healthcare organisations, pharmaceutical companies and charities.