Citrus Suite is a Liverpool mobile app design agency developing on iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and Web. Email us here…

Gamification is about creating the ‘Feel-Good Factor’ for people who might otherwise not feel so cool about doing certain real-life tasks. Let’s face it, the majority of us would rather eat a burger than a salad, or watch TV than compete in triathlons.

But here’s the upside. People have a natural inclination to be competitive, explore, discover and play, and quite naturally like being told that they are ‘doing-well’ at something. This is how Gamification works: It’s simply a method that uses digital tools to mentor people into making ‘better choices’.

Gamification provides a structure where positive behaviours are encouraged and reinforced, and can help maximise a person’s potential. It’s most effective when real-world tasks are mapped against bite-sized goals, which progressively contribute to a greater goal, preferably one that has ‘real-value’ to individuals.

Turning everyday tasks into goal-oriented play helps to relieve tedium and build a positive mind-set within individuals. Gamification is a great way to help manage diets, exercise regimes or medical conditions, and is increasingly being used in the workplace to drive productivity and train employees. It can even be used to enhance customer-experience in retail settings.


Achievement is a goal in itself, and many psychological studies show how it can help people improve the image they have of themselves. Motivation is the key — both building and maintaining it! ‘Game Mechanics’ need to be designed around peoples’ needs and expectations, so understanding your target audience and different personality types is essential building experiences that resonate and impact.

Consultancy on Gamification for your business. Email us here…

Academic studies are slow to emerge, but evidence for the effectiveness of Gamification is building, largely through research commissioned by major players in U.S, such as ‘Bunchball’ or the Google-sponsored ‘Keas’. Conferences and events dedicated to the Gamification are mushrooming, and our researcher is currently drowning in a sea of ‘tweets’ and ‘blogs’ as he charts growth of this digital trend.

We think it’s great that people are beginning to realise the potential of Gamification, and that our heritage can be used to bear fruit for a whole range of new clients. User-engagement strategy is hard-coded into our DNA — intuitively as games-designers we know how to create increase motivation and excitement within audiences.

If you want to help people achieve positive life-outcomes, or drive your workforce towards greater success using Gamification, we are the ‘go-to guys’. Please feel free to talk to us…

Want to hire a Mobile App Developer in Liverpool? Need to talk iPhone, iPad, iOS or Android development? What is Gamification and how can it help me? Email us here…


You can read more Citrus Suite news below.

  • Citrus Suite Innovation Labs: mHealth Apps
  • Chopsticks: APP OF THE YEAR 2012
  • Citrus Apps: more than 500k downloads
  • Mystery Seekers: number 1 app in 15 countries including US & UK
  • Citrus Engine: built over 25 apps 2012 on iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, PC, Mac, etc.
  • Wreck This App:  voted best digital product of 2011 (by Penguin US)
  • White Label Apps: confidential projects, very hush hush
Citrus Suite is a UK based creative design studio producing mobile apps for globally known clients. THREE #1 apps and ‘App of the Year 2012’. Developer on iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and Web. READ MORE

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Tags: gamification infographic mhealth m-health gamification infographic mobile app development liverpool

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