The Digital Health industry has experienced exponential growth over recent years, revolutionising healthcare delivery and wellness support. Far from just providing individuals with tools to oversee their exercise and diet, mHealth has evolved into a powerful medium for managing pre-existing conditions and facilitating medical services. As a specialist in the digital health sector, Citrus Suite’s […]
The Virtual Engagement Rehabilitation Assistant is a bespoke digital tool being designed in partnership with The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.
Over recent years the mHealth industry has boomed. Mobile technologies have been adopted for the delivery of healthcare and in support of wellness.
ReMind Memory Suite: Memory Enabling Technology (AKA ReMindMe) for iOS / Android, apps designed to help people to live well with dementia and support carers.
Find out more about Citrus Suite’s immersive fitness game designed to help young families get active.
The judges (from Facebook, BBC, Telegraph, etc.) choose their 10 Future Leaders, who have demonstrated innovation, including Citrus Suite.
We’ve worked on more than 20 apps for clients this year. We loved working on the major Wreck This App update and Coloring For Grown Ups for Penguin Books in the US and we have news of new Citrus apps.
Fee Fi Fo Fit: An intervention to promote positive changes in young people using a gamified reward system.
“For simple, clever & visual design with appeal to families & clear product roadmap, Fee Fi Fo Fit by Citrus Suite is our first Health X winner” Public Health England, August 2014.
We are fortunate to be working with Innovate Dementia and a great group of people who are dealing with the effects of dementia on a daily basis. The co-creation sessions have been invaluable as we create our Assisted Living Technology.
So what is Gamification and how does it work? Evidence for the effectiveness of Gamification is building, populations can achieve positive life-outcomes and the workplace can be a more productive place by using Gamification techniques.