Mobile Health

Over recent years the mHealth industry has boomed. Mobile technologies have been adopted for the delivery of healthcare and in support of wellness.

The mHealth sector, short for mobile health, is as the name suggests the market sector dedicated to things such as health apps and software. While thoughts may initially go towards independent apps that help individuals oversee their health in ways such as tracking exercise and food intake, the mHealth industry has found its footing within the management of pre-existing conditions and aiding in the management of medical services themselves.

Citrus Suite is a specialist provider of digital services for this sector, having delivered multiple projects which are currently in use, benefiting thousands daily. Citrus Suite’s journey itself can act as a useful guide map for the variety of health apps.

Rehabilitation Support

New digital health technology has allowed for more consistent support for those recovering from illness due to current technology’s sheer ubiquity. VERA, a healthcare app created by Citrus Suite in collaboration with The Walton Centre with the goal of supporting recovering stroke patients, was designed with this concept in mind. VERA is part of a study coordinated by University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), supported by the Stroke Association and MedCity. VERA’s UI is designed to be easy to navigate for those with limited motor functions. Materials are to be made easily available alongside features including a daily schedule and personalised exercises to support patients at their own pace.

Health Chatbots

Chatbots are an evolving technology with many uses including but not limited to supporting patients with potential problems. Chatbots are being used more frequently in the medical field to support patients, something Citrus Suite is familiar with after developing their own in-house. The developed chatbot allowed for intuitive communication with patients, relieving potential weight that would be put on healthcare professionals while still supporting patients.

Health Insurance App Development

Front-facing software is the thing with which customers will interact with most and as such is a priority. While working with Medicash, an app was created by Citrus Suite to allow customers to access their health plan in a streamlined and efficient manner whilst taking care of all the complex needs underneath the hood that customers didn’t need to see. As mHealth continues to grow more companies are choosing to jump to digital, with Medicash being no exception.

NHS Staffing Apps

Within the medical sector, management is vital both for the health of patients and for the financial wellbeing of companies themselves, both private and public. Citrus Suite developed successful health start-up Patchwork Health’s initial platform, software which enabled shifts to be given to NHS workers more efficiently, saving thousands that had previously been spent on hiring individuals from agencies.

Mobile Health App Design & Development

As mHealth’s growth continues it is likely that the benefits will continue to make themself known within private and public sectors, not to mention within the lives of patients and service users. Citrus Suite itself is prepared and excited for the expansion of mHealth industry and what the future may hold for it.

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