Meet the Virtual Engagement Rehabilitation Assistant (VERA)

As mHealth continues to expand into the lives of millions, the potential for rehabilitation software and other technology to improve the health of patients recovering from illness has not gone unnoticed.

Citrus Suite’s health technology framework is being utilised to build a unique software solution.

The Virtual Engagement Rehabilitation Assistant (VERA) is a bespoke digital tool being designed in partnership with The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust and Citrus Suite, with research, funded by The Stroke Association and MedCity, led by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).

New Rehabilitation Software

Co-designed by patients, healthcare professionals and validated by university research, Citrus Suite is proud to be involved in the project and deploy technology for good.

VERA has lots of potential, an app designed to support the rehabilitation of stroke survivors.

innovative rehabilitation technology

Health Technology: App Design and Development

Through a personalised programme, VERA aims to improve patient recovery and how survivors adapt to life after a stroke and neurological conditions. It allows mobile devices to access a range of applications to support rehabilitation and provides patient information, images and videos to guide bespoke personalised exercises, treatment information, a daily schedule, and support.

It is hoped the tool will empower stroke survivors by improving their understanding of rehabilitation and increasing their personal motivation and opportunity to participate in therapy.  By streamlining the process, it is hoped VERA will increase the availability of rehabilitation therapy to stroke survivors, help healthcare professionals use their time more effectively and ultimately, save the NHS money. Read about Citrus Suite’s Mobile Health work.

Future of Mobile Health

Now that the initial groundwork has been done, the potential for apps such as VERA is clear. This Citrus Suite technology could even potentially be repurposed for other similar conditions which could benefit from this kind of rehabilitation support. If you feel a solution such as this could be of interest to your institution, feel free to get in touch with us here at Citrus Suite, CONTACT.

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