The Citrus Suite developed Wreck This App is doing well at the moment reaching number 1 in the UK iTunes entertainment chart and number 2 in the US. The user review scores on the App Store rate the application at 4 out of 5, with the latest update getting 5 out of 5 (as of 3rd November 2011). I’ve gathered a number of links to press coverage & quotes and will update this page from time to time.


The Guardian
Wired’s Geek Dad
Featured on Apple’s New & Noteworthy
Hack Education – 10 Interesting and Innovative E-Books/Apps
Media Bistro
USA Today
Publisher’s Weekly
148 Apps



To buy Wreck this App on iTunes, please click here
Citrus Suite Wreck This App blog post here
To see the Wreck this App page on Penguin’s website, please click here
To check out Wreck this App on Keri Smith’s website, please click here.
Wreck This App users on Tumblr here.


“Wreck This App is highly recommended. It has a pleasing interface and is whimsical and fun. In my humble opinion, it’s a great way to pass time, far better than playing Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies. “ TUAW

“…as an app it’s clever, brilliantly adapted for iOS and a word I am loath to use since it’s so seldom true – unique.” 148 Apps

“…this app is alot of fun and it is kid appropriate. Think of it as a multiple page activity book that both you and the kids can have alot of fun!” / GeekDad

“Wreck This App is one of the most unique apps I’ve come across. The app is bursting with creativity, and each prompt will speak to people in different ways so the possibilities are practically endless. Wonderfully Unique.” Apple ‘n’ Apps

“Poking holes through drawings, enhancing photos of yourself, and scribbling like a three-year-old are just a few of the ways the app can bring a few moments of childish delight to the user. “ Good eReader

“‘Wreck This App’ and the book from which it springs are complementary, not competitive, experiences” USA Today

“Wreck This App is a wonderful time killer. Imagine it as a children’s doodle book where you’re presented with basic instructions on each page (draw lines, tap the screen, color the page, doodle on the margins of the page) which you can follow or well, not. It’s really up to you. And that’s the appeal of it, hand this to any kid under 7 and watch their eyes light up. Hand this to someone who’s stuck on a train and they might surprise you with the art they come up with. It’s a guided but open-ended notebook, where what you create is up to you.Gizmodo

“Wreck THIS APP, Totally Rocks! If you don’t know about Wreck This app by Keri Smith you are missing out. If you or your kids are the least bit creative you will want this app in your arsenal for your iPad! Check out the wreck this app, you won’t be disappointed. Even my 5 year old had fun doing her own journal pages.” MommyReview

“…even if you think you don’t have a creative bone in your body, you just may surprise yourself playing with this app.” Kind Over Matter

“…with Wreck this App, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, there really is no reason to be bored or uninspired ever again.. Now you just need to decide what to play with first! “ Her Library Adventures


A – Z (by adihrespati) below…

Fresh Ideas, Sharp Solutions.
Citrus Suite develops apps, software, games and produces 3D digital artwork. Developer on iPhone, iPad, Android, HTML5, PC, YouView, IPTV platforms (YouView, Google TV, Apple TV, etc.).

Development of apps from Liverpool, UK.

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